Are you planning to sell your home? You must be very excited to make that sale! Before you get too carried away and start planning what to do with the money, you should know that it’s going to take much more than having your property included in those home listings.
There are a number of things that you need to do to prepare your home for selling. Don’t worry – many of these tasks are quite easy. Some take a bit more effort, but rest assured that these five things can help ensure that you’ll sell your property for the price you want quickly:
1. Declutter and Depersonalize the Home
Before the stream of open house events starts and the photographer takes some shots of your property, you want to make sure that there will be no potential eyesores that could be major turn offs to potential buyers.
Declutter your house one room at a time to make sure you don’t miss anything. You can even take it up a notch and hire a team of professional cleaners and organizers to help you. Potential buyers should be able to see themselves in the house, and that won’t happen if your house is filled with personal knick-knacks.
If possible, start boxing away your personal items, such as trophies, medals, photos, and other things that you won’t dispose of, but that you wouldn’t want potential buyers to see either. You’re going to move these things to your new home anyway, so you might want to get a head start packing!
2. Give the Walls a Fresh Coat of Paint in Neutral Tones
It might have been fun showing off your personality through your brightly painted walls. However, they might not appeal the same way to potential buyers. Most buyers prefer walls with neutral colors because they go well with everything. So, be sure to invest some money in having your home painted in a more generally-loved hue!
3. Check Your Curb Appeal
Here’s a reality check for you: home buyers typically start judging a property before they even step out of their car. You can’t expect that buyers would be pleasantly surprised to see that the home looks only good on the inside, because really, no one will put in the effort of checking the interior if they don’t like the exterior.
At the same time, you don’t need fancy fountains and expensive landscaping. Just make sure that your home looks presentable and inviting. Adding some colorful ornamental plants, repainting the siding, and replacing the mailbox could significantly help!
4. Make Sure Your Home Is Odor-Free
You may love your cats and delightfully endure the smell of their litter box, but you can’t expect the same from potential buyers. Part of the preparation for selling is eliminating all strong or foul odors in the house, whether they’re coming from pets, cigarettes, your kitchen, or other sources.
You might have to do a deep cleaning to achieve an odor-free home, but you should not skimp on it because it’s an important factor. You can also try executing some odor-masking strategies like baking cookies or lighting up some candles.
5. Find Yourself a Reliable Real Estate Agent
No matter how beautiful your home is, you will need the help of a real estate agent who has sufficient knowledge of the market. A seasoned agent will help ensure that you are getting the best price for your home and that the entire selling process goes smoothly!
If you want your property to be appealing to home buyers, you should follow the steps shared above and the tips that you will learn from your real estate agent. They will be your partner in this journey, so you should trust that they have your best interest in mind. Preparing your home properly for sale will pay off, which is why you must never rush the process. Take time to ensure that your home is in the best shape before you put it up for sale!
If you want the help of a seasoned professional from the top real estate agency in Hudson Valley, visit Hudson Valley Realty Center. We’ll make sure that you’ll have a hassle-free selling experience and that you’ll get the right value for your property. Contact us today and speak to one of our agents for more information!